Is your will, power of attorney, trust and other legal documents up to date?

This topic is one problem we see all too often with our clients. We begin to organize their papers in their filing system and we find that legal documents have not been reviewed or updated for years. What exactly are legal documents and why do they have to be up to date? Below is an example of documents that should be reviewed to ensure they are up to date with current laws:

• Last Will
• Trust
• Durable Power of Attorney
• Healthcare Surrogate
• Living Will

We do not give legal advice so please contact your attorney if you have any questions about your current legal documents or if you should have one of the above mentioned documents prepared. The National Institute on Aging website below offers information about getting all your affairs in order:

If you have any questions about the services we offer our clients or if you need assistance organizing your current papers, please contact our office to speak with on of our knowledgeable staff.